Friday 8 July 2011

Korean Toilets...

So thankfully not too much has shocked me since I arrived in Korea due to speaking to people that have already visited and reading up on the internet prior to travelling. Apart from one thing; the toilets. Now I understand Korea is famous for its technology and small gadgets (the buttons on tables in restaurants to place an order and get refills being a personal favourite) but having quite so many buttons on a toilet is quite a novelty.

So imagine my shock a couple of days ago when I pressed what appeared to be the flush button, only to be greeted by water spraying out from the top of the toilet! Thankfully I wasn’t in the line of fire but it was still powerful enough to spray the back of the door, run down and cause quite a sizable puddle on the floor :| luckily my Korean buddy was next in line or it could have been quite disastrous as even closing the toilet lid didn’t seem to stop it’s flow. I later learnt, between fits of laughter, that these sorts of toilets also function as bidets for both parts (is that really necessary in a pizza restaurant?!) and thankfully the water sprayed out is clean.

After vowing never to touch another button on a Korean toilet again, I was once again surprised this afternoon when I sat down on a toilet seat that felt like it had been in the sun all day. Yes, a heated toilet seat. Who would have thought it? They even have buttons that change the temperature and the angle of the toilet seat. I mean, how long do they expect us to spend in there? It’s a public toilet!

I have just realised this is probably my longest post yet and it’s all about Korean toilets. On a brighter note I’m currently on the KTX heading to Seoul for the weekend!
Until next time,
EmJ x

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