Wednesday 13 July 2011

Ahn nyeong ha se yo!

So after another morning of Korean lessons I think I'm finally getting the hang of it, I even managed to have my first Korean conversation with the cleaner in the lift the other day. Even though it did involve a lot of hand gestures and her speaking in broken English I managed to reply: 'Hello. Yes, I am from England.' I can also count to ten. After three days of lessons. Room for improvement but still better than nothing I guess!

We then spent the afternoon learning about traditional Korean culture and the future for the country (fridges that automatically order your food anyone?). The sweet snacks and drink we got to try were definitely a highlight, as was the trying on of the traditional dress (the Hanbok) even though I did spend the afternoon walking round as if I was about to give birth/trip over the bottom of my skirt.
Tomorrow we'll be learning to play Korean drums (Nick you will be proud!) as well as giving my group's presentation about the UK and Ireland (yes, England, Scotland and Wales really are three separate countries) before heading to a baseball game in the evening. Will deffo be taking lots of pictures as apparently it's tradition to wear an orange plastic bag on your head during the game...

Well, when in Korea...

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