Tuesday 23 August 2011

Penultimate Challenge, with love!

So for one of the challenges I had to declare my love to someone, not necessarily romantically but just to someone that means a lot to me. I know I've now passed the 21 mark but I'd already half written this and have only really just had the chance to finish it off!

I have been so blessed in my 21 years of life to have made some truly amazing friends, from my sandkastenfreundin (literally sandpit friend) in primary school, my friends I made in highschool that I still keep in touch with, those I have met on my travels and of course my three homeslices, bezzie mates at uni and the OTC girls and boys.

So my challenge was to tell someone how much they meant to me who I hadn't already told and who may not necessarily realise it (although he does because I let it slip that I'd written this blog post before I left to go to Martinique) haha!

So Will Lamping this is for you! 

You never fail to make me smile and in the few days I spent at yours before annual camp I don't think I have ever laughed so much! Despite your best efforts you are definitely in the 'gay-best friend' territory - although I know this is certainly not the case after witnessing your multiple attempts at chasing women (with varying success) and your sheer devastation at being turned down (May Ball dramas anyone?)

You have to be the most hilarious, shameless, ridiculous person I have ever met (who specialises in Animal Reproduction as part of their degree!?) and even when you're taking the mick I can never be mad at you because you're still capable of making me laugh til my stomach hurts. I don't think I've met one single person who doesn't get along with you (apart from Baz, oh dear) and I've even let you meet my family at my 21st Birthday (although it was noted you were on best behaviour, thank you)!!!

I've been so lucky enough to share so many 'special moments' with you. From sitting with you in some darked box in full uniform whilst some hippy sang a song about peace and ending war, to the 'Dizzee Rascal incident' at Radio One's big weekend, to spooning (in separate sleeping bags mind), our 'date' at the new café in Bangor and of course the numerous nights out, you're deffo a true friend Squeak (only a true friend would clean your room and do your washing the day before first year's annual camp... I wasn't doing it two years in a row)!

I know I'm going to miss you like crazy and every time I hear Vanessa Carlton I will think of you (although why you and Pinhead know all the words to that song will always remain a mystery). I have never got off the phone to you without smiling so please, please actually use the internet for something other than porn from time to time so I can Skype you, and I look forward to seeing you again at Lincoln Christmas market!

And maybe after I've written all these nice things about you, you could think of one, just one nice thing to say back!

Love, Em xx

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