Sunday 21 August 2011

Challenge 21... revisited!

As I'm sure many of you are aware (if not, please read previous posts) I have been in Korea for the majority of the summer vacation and consequently have not had a lot of time in which to complete my challenges. I have currently completed 9 (and a half!) of the 21, and as it is my birthday tomorrow I feel it's time to have a rethink regarding the remaining challenges.

So far I still need to: 
  • Tell someone I love them (that I haven’t told before)
  • Visit someone you haven’t seen in a long time
  • Go hitchhiking
  • Pass my driving test
  • Read Pride and Prejudice – Jane Austen (NB: I have started I'm on page 58 - poor effort I know)!
  • Get a tattoo
  • Make up with an old friend
  • Knit a scarf
  • Run 5 miles in less than 45 minutes 
  • Paint a canvas
  • Learn a new song on my clarinet
  • Cut 10 inches off my hair
Before midnight tomorrow. I'm not going to lie to you guys, I don't think it's going to happen! I do however, have exciting news regarding getting my hair cut/additional challenges etc. Will post soon when I get half the chance!

Until then,

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