Sunday, 2 February 2020

Since there's no place to go... let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

At 2am it started snowing.  It's already pretty quiet walking the dogs around the community, but the snowfall added an extra stillness to the atmosphere.  Following the mass hysteria of people stocking up on masks, hand sanitizer, and other cleaning products it seemed almost surreal walking around outside with no one around.  A group of snowmen on the grass seemed to be the only ones publicly socialising.  Alfie made sure he barked at them to say hello.

Thankfully this morning I was able to join with some friends from Church in an online meeting for a time of fellowship and prayer.  Given that the government has requested all large groups of people stop meeting in person, this is one of the few ways we can stay connected.  It feels good to not be so alone.

In the afternoon I decided to go for a run.  Only a day and a half of staying in and I'm already climbing the walls. My heart goes out to those at the centre of it all in Wuhan. There were a few people, all in masks, walking along the river path by my community, but everyone kept their distance.  The guard laughed at me when I returned showing all the symptoms of the virus: flushed, looking feverish, experiencing chest pains and difficulty breathing.  He kept laughing and said he should report me to the authorities. Thankfully I was allowed home once he could take a proper temperature reading.  The community was empty when I got in.

The government has already officially extended the Spring festival period until the 2nd February, so tomorrow may look a little different, but many schools will remain closed and those who are able to work from home are encouraged to do so.  So far it's looking like we won't go back until at least the 24th Feb.  

That evening, I ordered some masks from the UK for my parents to try and send to China. Shortages are a big issue here, and a Chinese friend is trying to collect a load to send to Wuhan hospitals and those in great need. The way people are supporting and encouraging each other during this difficult time is inspiring. 

As of Feb 2nd:
1,500 face masks ordered.
1,404 unwatched YouTube videos on my 'to watch later' playlist. 
515 unread emails.
7 unread paper books (+ 1 kindle).
3 and a half cartons of soy milk.
3 dogs and a hamster.
1 and a half tins of baked beans. 
1 box of chocolates found at the back of the cupboard.  Winning.

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