Monday, 10 February 2020

Lie me down in a darkened room...

Yesterday was my first day of online teaching.

I had no idea what to expect, and from the sounds of things neither did anybody else.  Our school is using our usual teaching timetable from 8 - 3.15.  We'd sent all the required materials the night before hand, and students were asked to download Zoom ready for the morning meeting. Thankfully I was able to get up in time, greet everyone on the group video call and then, the influx of questions began...

Student: "What time should we come on Zoom for Maths?"
Me: "You don't need to, please watch the prerecorded video you were sent by email labelled '1. WATCH FIRST', then complete the worksheet labelled '2. COMPLETE SECOND'. *You know, the things your co-teacher and I spent a long time planning and preparing.*
Student: "So what is the Zoom code?"
Me: "There is no Zoom code, you don't need to come on Zoom"
Student B: "It's 7**-***-****"
Student: "Teacher, I can't use the code to log in to Zoom."
Me: "That's because that's the morning meeting code."
Student: "So how do I come to class on Zoom?"
Me: "THERE IS NO ZOOM CLASS. Please check your email, it will have all the materials you need."
Student C: "Where are my emails?"
Me: *Where is my sanity?*

Who is responsible for teaching these kids how to read? Oh wait...
As well as the usual class content, I taught students how to open emails. How to write an email. How to add an attachment. How to add a capital letter when typing. HOW TO USE LOWERCASE LETTERS. Howtoaddaspace. How to add punctuation so all the sentences dont just merge in to one super long sentence without any space for a pause even though we most definitely cover how to avoid run on sentences like this in school.

And breathe.

I might add IT support to my CV.

In the afternoon, my co-teacher and I spent time calling the students to see how they were doing, and if they had any questions or concerns about online learning. Most of them seemed fine, although a few were a little suspicious as to why we were calling. The dogs were clearly unimpressed with their afternoon naps being disturbed, and held a meeting to decide what they will do if I stay home another week.
"I don't see anyone, do you, Mao?"
"It's only been a week, and now she's talking at her computer more than ever."
At 4pm I had to go lie down. I couldn't watch TV, read things on my iPad, or look through Facebook (this is being posted way later than 10th Feb). Anything that involved a screen was a no-go. Tomorrow I must remind myself to take a break. For my eyes and for my sanity. I'm not sure how I'm going to manage two weeks of this... wish me luck!

As of Feb 10th:
1,390 unwatched YouTube videos on my 'to watch later' playlist.
495 unread personal emails. 
0 unread school emails (for now). I'm not sure what I will wake up to tomorrow.
7 unread paper books (+ 1 kindle).
3 unimpressed dogs and a hamster.
229 episodes of Friends left to watch.
2 burning eyes.

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