Sunday, 15 May 2011

Challenge 21… let the fun begin!

Big thanks to Alex Price for the inspiration behind this. Basics, I've compiled a list of 21 things to do before I’m 21 and seen as it’s in exactly 99 days I think I better make a start! Thanks to everyone for their ideas (the good, the bad and the downright ridiculous) and any volunteers to help me achieve my goals would be greatly appreciated. Let the fun begin!

1. Start a blog.
So here we are. After previous failed attempts I hope to keep this one going for longer than a couple of months to keep you updated whilst I’m away. And this time you can all know who everyone is. So far so good.

2. Catch a fish.
Unless taking the goldfish out the pond in the back garden with a children’s’ fishing net counts I’ve never actually been fishing! I’m hoping for something along the lines of this but if it’s not as impressive I’ll just have to hold it close to the camera and lean back a bit to give the impression that it’s bigger than it actually is (sneaky trick I learnt from my ex – ha-ha, just kidding. Not about the fish pic though). Prepping and cooking it will also earn bonus points :)

3. Top shelf in a bar
Sorry Mum, but it’s written in the ‘101 things to do at university’ book you gave me. Although you will be pleased to know that I have not urinated in the university fountain or got banned from the Student Union Bar (no coincidence with the fact that we currently have neither). A shot of every drink on the top shelf in a bar? Good job I’m not a lightweight or anything…

4. Get on the radio
Somehow. Anyhow. I've been told I have the face for it... Maybe I’ll become an agony aunt! Problems anyone?

5. Go skinny dipping
Self-explanatory. It better be dark. And not too cold.

6. Tell someone you love them (that you haven’t told before)
Not necessarily romantically. Just because I don’t think I say it enough.

7. Go hitchhiking
With pepper spray and a friend. And credit card to pay for train when I get stuck in the middle of nowhere. Maybe I’ll do this to achieve number 8. Although it is quite a trek…

8. Visit somewhere ‘down south’
If it’s beyond Birmingham it’s definitely south.

9. Pass my driving test
Eventually. Maybe. Once I’ve got my new glasses at least, especially now we have to know where we’re going as well. Uh-oh.

Read… Ulysses – James Joyce, Pride and Prejudice – Jane Austen, Nineteen Eighty-Four - George Orwell, War and Peace - Leo Tolstoy or something equally long and pompous.

Get a tattoo
Any volunteers to hold my hand whilst I cry like a massive girl?

Go to a football match
Is it even the football season over summer??

Make up with an old friend
Because I’ve been lucky enough to meet some amazing people in my life and unlucky enough to lose contact with some of them.

14. Knit a scarf
No-one says I have to wear it. But who knows? It might get cold in the Caribbean.

15. Run 5 miles in less than 45 minutes
Stranger things have happened. Now where’s my Doctor’s note?

Paint a canvas
Maybe I’ll paint a picture of me holding a giant fish, wearing a brilliant scarf and running. Artistic licence and all that.

Go underground, ie: caving/mining
Because sky-diving and giving blood wasn't quite scary enough.

Visit someone you haven’t seen in a long time
See 13.

Eat haggis/faggots
Because there are very few things I won’t eat. Bin cheese anyone?

Learn a new song on my clarinet
Benny Goodman eat your heart out.

Cut 10 inches off my hair
Explanation to follow.

I also read the other day (in a magazine of course) that by the time you're 21-years-old you're likely to have met the person you will eventually marry. I think I need to add another one.

Meet more guys.

Wish me luck folks! x

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