Friday, 14 October 2011

Sun, sea, sand and a whole lot of French admin

Martinique is beautiful. There is no denying that there is something special about waking up and seeing palm trees from your balcony. The beaches are incredible (apart from when you're catching worms), the views breathtaking and the weather something we could only dream about back in the UK. Which is perfect if you're on holiday...

...if you're here with something to do though, it's a nightmare.

Take 6,000+ students, some bad French administration (notoriously shocking), add some Caribbean laid back attitude, plenty of heat to increase the irritability of all involved and you get a good picture of what life is like here at l'université des Antillies et de la Guyane.

Just over six weeks after my arrival, I finally have a timetable sorted. Although I'm concerned that the administration staff here only know two phrases; 'revenir demain' (come back tomorrow) and 'je ne sais pas, ça n'a rien à voir avec moi' (I don't know, it's got nothing to do with me) as I've rarely heard them say anything else. Unless of course you're waiting in their office whilst they finish their important phone conversation, because of course their friend should wear the matching necklace, earring and bracelet set with that dress for her hot date tonight. You think because French isn't my native language I couldn't understand what you were chatting about whilst I stood around waiting like piffy on a rock-bun?
Fool, think again.

This is of course, failing to mention the Martinique Shrug. The number one thing to really get on my wick. After queuing up for a reasonable length of time at the admin office, flashing the best smile you can muster and using your politest form of French to ask for help/advice/a form signed, you are simply greeted with a shrug and then a turning of the head whilst the member of staff in question continues to staple forms, make paper chains, bracelets out of interconnecting paper-clips, whatever they do in the office all day (sorry all morning, they're not open afternoons) indicating that they are going to do nothing more to help you and that is all the information you're going to get. It's often followed by a sigh to show just how much effort they had to put in to that shrug. 

We even had someone explain to us in class that the people here can't work too hard because it's too hot. Excuse me? You work in an air conditioned office?

But alas, it's done. Beach for me after class tomorrow it is then (yes, we have class Saturday morning, what jokes) before heading to the airport to meet my folks coming over for their belated summer holiday :)

Let the fun begin!

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