Tuesday, 24 March 2020


This afternoon, I watched as the UK woke up to what we’ve effectively been experiencing for the last 9 weeks. Working from home, everything closed but supermarkets and pharmacies, no visitors... but hey, it’s not all doom and gloom. Yes, you may find yourself furiously sweeping behind the fridge at 3am because you can’t sleep, and some days you may lie in bed wondering what is the point in getting up (we've all been there), but hopefully these few points will help you see the silver linings.

You will be glowing
Not touching your face, not wearing any make up, limited time outside in the pollution and under the sun, and less late nights in questionable bars means your skin will look the best it has in years. Use the extra time to do a weekly face-mask for extra pizzazz! And teacher friends, drink as much water as you like - you can use the bathroom whenever you want now. Win-win.

You'll be able to ace any future Master Chef challenge
No pre-made pasta sauce left at the supermarket? No problem! You guys have unrestricted internet access abroad, simply type in whatever you find left in your cupboards followed by “recipe” in to Google or Pinterest. Ritz cracker appetisers made with peanut butter, raw onion and ketchup? You’re welcome.

You will be more sociable in isolation
Got a friend you haven’t spoken to in months as you’ve both been to busy? Now is the time to give them a call. You can ring almost anyone and guarantee they’ll be in, and you'll have something new in common. They may be busy climbing the walls, but hey, your voice might be a nice distraction.

You can give Beyonce a run for her money

If you live by yourself, or you can work out comfortably without scarring your housemates or family for life, then you need to get some YouTube dance workout videos going on. The club better be ready for this jelly.

You will redefine your priorities
I used to think I didn't keep an overly clean and tidy house because I didn't have enough time. No I realise I just don't like it. And living with four dogs, I've learnt to pick my battles carefully.
There is light at the end of the tunnel, you just might have to squint a little to see it.  We'll get there folks.

As of March 24th:
1,418 unwatched YouTube videos on my 'to watch later' playlist.
400 unread emails.
7 unread paper books (+ 1 kindle).
4 dogs and a hamster.
198 episodes of Friends left to watch.

Happy Mother’s Day, Teacher?

Yesterday was Mother’s Day in the UK, and whilst I didn’t get to see my Mum in person, I was able to video call her with my bro, and revel in the fact that I’m such a bloody good organiser - leaving my Mum’s Mother’s Day present and card with Dad when I was home at Christmas.

I’d sent an email in the evening to the parents, thanking all the Mums, Grandmas and Aunties for their support along with the weekly guided reading timetable. I’d got a couple of thank-yous back, which is always appreciated, but today, when I opened my school email, I also got a “Happy Mother’s Day Miss Emma. We love you,” kind of email.

I’ve tried to be pretty chill about the whole online teaching thing - I actually quite enjoy video calls in my slippers and marking with Mao on my lap (and the mute feature on Zoom is a lifesaver!), but that email just broke me. I sobbed. Someone really should invent some kind of emotional-content-filter system on computers for women on special days, and especially at certain times of the month. I’m already fearful to go on Youtube in case I’m recommended a sad dog rescue video. I might not get out of bed for the next few days.

With 10 new cases yesterday, it’s probably going to be at least another 28 days until we go back to school, and I somehow don’t think the new cases are about to drop to zero from today. I often wonder whether I’ll be able to see my students before the end of the school year...  I sure hope so!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mums, especially mine, and always remembering my Gran x

As of March 23rd:
1,420 unwatched YouTube videos on my 'to watch later' playlist (avoiding it like the virus)
405 unread emails.
7 unread paper books (+ 1 kindle).
4 dogs and a hamster.
198 episodes of Friends left to watch.

Friday, 20 March 2020

To school or not to school...

24th February, 2nd March, 16th March... every time I get an email from HR I anticipate another delay. Some teachers were hopeful and thinking we would be back to school now, but as we end up the sixth week of online teaching, I do start to wonder if we'll be back at all before the end of the year.

I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it honestly wouldn't surprise me. When Hong Kong announced back at the beginning of February that they wouldn't be going back to school until at least mid-March, and then 20th April, I guessed we'd be going back much later than that. After all, they've had much fewer cases than in the mainland.

Then on Tuesday, Hong Kong’s Chief Executive, Carrie Lam, announced that schools will not be able to reopen on 20th April, as previously planned. With 7 million people, Hong Kong still has fewer than 170 cases and four deaths, and 38 people still in treatment. Whilst some other provinces in China are hoping to go back soon, in Beijing we currently have a total of 479 cases, with 8 deaths and 92 people still in treatment. Let's face facts, with a population of 21.5 million people, and the number of imported cases now increasing, we're not going anywhere.

I might invest in a decent office chair. I've heard Ikea is quite quiet as of late. Probably because no one can go for a cheeky nap or game of cards in one of their showrooms anymore.

Crime scene or a new shopping experience?
Make yourself comfortable doggos, I'm going to be here a while.