I'm on the move again! This time I’m headed to Rouen Business School for the second semester of my ERASMUS year. For those who haven't heard of/know little about it, here's a rather charming summary I found on the t'internet!
"Rouen Business School, adjacent to Rouen University, is a prestigious French business school, situated on the plateau of Mont- Saint- Aignan, a suburb of Rouen. It offers various management courses in English & French. It is one of the best known schools in France & Europe and is 140 years old. Rouen Business School was recently accredited with AACSB, making it one of just 2% of Business schools in the world to be triple accredited. This has further increased the visibility of the school and its programmes – great for graduates when applying for jobs!"
Not bad, not bad... and the fact that I get to do all my French administration in a castle also makes it rather exciting!
As Christmas and New Year was pretty intense I haven't had much chance to virtually check out the city and the surrounding area before I arrived but will hopefully get chance to check it all out as a go along.
Will keep you posted :)